About me 👋

Hi! My name is George!

I am a Software Engineer at Grafana Labs. I work on Loki, a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. Before I joined the Loki team, I worked on Grafana Alerting in the Alerting team and contributed to an open-source project called Prometheus Alertmanager.

Prior to Grafana Labs, I worked as a Systems Engineer at Cloudflare in the Firewall team where I led the design of the Rulesets API for the Cloudflare Ruleset Engine.

I have an MSc Networked Computer Systems from University College London, and a BSc Computer Science from Newcastle University. My masters thesis was on software-based fault tolerance.

I am interested in distributed systems and creating safe, reliable software at scale. Outside of work I love to play guitar, listen to jazz music, run, lift weights, and read books about the First and Second World War and everything encompassing them.

The information on this website represents my own views and opinions and does not necessarily represent those of my current or previous employers, any open source projects, communities, nonprofits or organizations.

You can find me on GitHub and LinkedIn.